121TE    121TE IT DECAY                1971ED03,1972KA61,1975ME2310NDS    201006
121TE  H TYP=FUL$AUT=S. OHYA$CIT=NDS 111, 1619 (2010)$CUT=20-Jan-2009$
121TE c  1971Ed03: {+123}Sb(p,3n), magnetic spectrometer, ce-ce(|q), ce|g(|q)
121TE c  1972Ka61: {+120}Te(n,|g), magnetic spectrometer, ce
121TE c  1975Me23: {+120}Te(n,|g), semi |g
121TE c  Others: 1950Ka04, 1956Go23, 1963Sc12, 1964Ch08, 1968Ma52
121TE c  See also {+121}Te |e decay (154 d)
121TE cG E         From 1975Me23. An additional uncertainty of 10 eV should be
121TE2cG added in quadrature to the quoted uncertainties to allow for
121TE3cG uncertainties in calibration
121TE cL J,T(A)$From adopted levels
121TE  P 293.974   2211/2-             164.2 D   8
121TE cP T$from adopted levels
121TE  N 0.920       0.920     0.886   11
121TE cN NR        from I(|g+ce 212|g)=100
121TE PN                                                                     3
121TE  L 0.0         1/2+              19.17 D   4                          A
121TE  L     212.19 33/2+              0.062 NS  15
121TE cL T         from (ce 81|g)(ce 212|g)(t) centroid shift
121TE2cL scin-scin (1963Sc12)
121TE  G 212.189   27100       M1+E2     +0.226  8     0.0869   108.69    9  C
121TES G K/T=0.0687 9$L/T=0.00903 13$M/T=0.00181 3$N+/T=0.000395 6
121TES G N/T=0.000356 6$O/T=3.83E-5 6
121TE cG M         from |a(K)exp=0.0768 {I17} (1971Ed03), |a(K)exp=0.0842 {I14}
121TE2cG (1968Ma52) L1:L2:L3=100:8.1:3.7 (1964Ch08).
121TE3cG 1968Ma52 discussed the existence of dynamic penetration effect
121TE4cG (|l=7 {I1}) in calculation of conversion coefficients.
121TE5cG 1971Ed03 deduced |l=-0.7 {I17} from ce-ce(|q), ce|g(|q)
121TE cG MR$from 1971Ed03. Others: 0.230 (1968Ma52), 0.224 (1964Ch08)
121TE  L     293.98 311/2-             164.2 D   8                          AM1
121TE  G 81.788    15 0.0626 6 M4                       1735    108.69    9  C
121TES G K/T=0.390 6$L/T=0.472 7$M/T=0.1135 22$N+/T=0.0237 5
121TES G N/T=0.0218 5$O/T=0.00187 4
121TE cG TI$from an intensity balance at the 212 level
121TE cG RI$from TI and |a
121TE cG           K:L:M:N=0.74:1.0:0.235:0.066 (1972Ka31,1972Ka61)
121TE2cG K:L:M=0.82:1.0:0.23 (1968Ma52)
121TE3cG K:L:M:N=0.83:1.0:0.24:0.059 (1968Ha53)
121TE DG CC        M4 CC(THEORY)'S MULT. BY 0.975 5 (Cf. 1990Ne01)